Painter / Printmaker
8″ x 8″ each panel, oil on watercolor paper, Firmin demonstration for WKC Plein Air class, 2019
15″ x 5″, conte crayon on paper, Firmin demonstration for WKC Plein Air Class, 2019
In 2019 Richard Kathmann and myself put together a wonderful weekend workshop. We both approach our subject matter in such different ways, that we thought we would split up teaching the workshop. Richard will be teaching in the morning sessions and I will be teaching in the afternoon sessions. I will be taking Richard’s class and he will take mine! We got such interesting work out of everybody doing it this way, that we want to do it again. The Workshop is on their website: Seeing the Landscape in Black & White and Color For more info please call Siri Bertelsen at the West Kortright Center @ 607-278-5454, or contact me.
Here are more details:
Bring a lunch! WKC is in the Middle of Nowhere. We convene at The Center a little before 10am on Saturday, Sept 14 & Sun. Sept.15. Hopefully the weather will cooperate, but if it’s pouring we will work under the outbuilding and under the porch. Richard will be teaching the morning session on both days, from 10 to noon, with a critique at noon. Then break for lunch. Lisbeth will be teaching the afternoon session both days. We will break for the day around 3:30pm and do a critique of all the work. (Lisbeth and Richard will be taking each other’s classes)
Richard will be working in black and white, charcoal & acrylics. Lisbeth will be working w/color, students may bring acrylics, oils, watercolors, or gouache. Be sure and bring big brushes for the afternoon sessions.
We will be working on several fabulous vistas each day, from the grounds of The Centre. We will be doing some triptychs in both sessions, 3 drawings/paintings that will make a panorama per sessions using a square format. Both teachers will be demonstrating before each session. Each have a unique approach to depicting landscape.
For Kathmann:
Please bring charcoal, sticks and/or pencils. Golden is supplying B&W acrylic for the morning sessions. Bring one or two acrylic egg cartons to mix a gray scale; and several medium size containers for cleaning brushes, etc. Bring BIG brushes. You will need paper marked to 12″ x 12″ for the charcoal, and heavier paper for the acrylic work. There will be 6 black and white paintings/drawings done over the 2 days.
For Firmin: (she will be working in acrylic)
Wear old clothes and bring a hat with a brim.
Feel free to contact either one of us if you have any further questions, etc. via our emails: