Painter / Printmaker
“Washington Square, Late Afternoon,” 16″ x 20″ oil on wood panel, 2023
I am once again leading this painting workshop where we set up in five different locations in Provincetown & Truro, in the middle of the summer (!!). It’s colorful, crazy, lots of hard work and FUN! Students will be finishing w/at least five paintings, all done right on the streets of P-town and Truro. I will be demonstrating every day at the beginning of class. Class runs from 9am to noon, with a critique of the day’s work after that. Stay tuned for the link here or call Laura Chause, @ Castle Hill – 508-349-7511.
Here’s the class description:
Students will be setting up outdoors to paint urban landscapes in the streets around Provincetown and Truro. Firmin will be instructing them in her technique of working quickly using big brushes and bold color. NO drawing! Starting on Monday at a site to be announced, students will meet and Firmin will do a demonstration, after which students will set up and work on their own painting. Each succeeding day will be at a different urban location, and there will always be a demonstration to start. At the end of each class students will gather and critique the day’s work. This workshop is structured for both beginners and advanced painters who want to expand their painting skills. Students do NOT need a lot of experience to benefit greatly from this class.
And here are the sites:
Day 1: Castle Hill Campus @ 10 Meetinghouse Rd
Day 2: Downtown Truro (Just down the road from Jam’s)
Day 3: Old North Truro Cemetery
Day 4: Days Cottages, Rte 6A
Day 5: Johnson St. Parking Lot, Provincetown
And here is the materials list:
Oils, acrylics, watercolor, gouache. (pls note that any medium is fine, as long as you are working with some kind of paint, using color and brushes)
A portable easel or a drawing board w/portable chair, several Masonite (untempered if possible, very hard to find these days) or wood panels, canvas boards or stretched canvases–gessoed–(bring several supports of choice, students might be producing multiple studies & paintings each day), oil or acrylic paints, palette knife and portable palette, medium, turpentine (for oil), brushes (be sure to bring BIG brushes) & rags. For water-based medium, watercolor blocks are good, water & cans, brushes, (again bring big ones). Wear old clothes and bring a hat w/a brim.